MoneyWise Receives National Recognition

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It’s always great to be recognized, especially when it’s for something created to serve others. MoneyWise, our financial wellness program, was selected by to receive their 2024 Editor’s Choice Award for the Best Financial Wellness Program. is a highly-respected financial content site. Editors conduct research on products and services nationwide and perform their own product and service rankings, which is how they found MoneyWise. MoneyWise had launched just seven months earlier when it was selected, making this recognition especially meaningful.
In their article which announces the selection, the editor highlighted our dedication to financial education and commended our efforts in delivering progressive, effective financial wellness solutions. 

“We appreciate that notes several specific examples of how MoneyWise aligns with our long-time guiding principle to “do the right thing,” said Kelly McPhee, Senior Vice President of Public Relations & Communications. “We are very committed to creating financial wellness programming that helps people take control of their own financial futures.” 
Read the article. Sample our MoneyWise topics.