Banner Bank Receives Top CRA Rating from the FDIC

Banner Bank received the highest possible “Outstanding” rating from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) for its 2021 Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Performance Evaluation. While many banks attain a “Satisfactory” rating, fewer than 10% receive the top CRA rating of “Outstanding”.
Under the CRA, the FDIC evaluates banks' performance in helping clients, businesses and local communities meet their credit needs. They assess how well banks serve and support low- and moderate-income (LMI) individuals, LMI neighborhoods, and small businesses in ways that are consistent with safe and sound operation and banking practices.
“Receiving an Outstanding CRA rating reflects the hard work of our employees to consistently do the right thing for the communities we serve,” said CEO Mark Grescovich. “We are grateful for the strong partnerships we have built with so many community organizations that offer us invaluable feedback on how to make the greatest impact for those in need.”
Describing the Outstanding rating as “an honor that acknowledges the work we do every day in the communities we serve,” the Bank’s CRA Director Camino Smith said, “It reflects a thoughtful, all-in effort to do the right thing. What makes it so gratifying is the fact that every department and every employee played a role. It’s a win for our communities, the Bank and every member of our team, and it truly represents the Banner Way.”
In announcing Banner’s Outstanding rating on its most recent CRA Performance Evaluation, the FDIC highlighted the following:
- The Bank’s geographic distribution of loans reflects good penetration throughout assessment areas.
- The Bank’s the distribution of borrowers reflects good penetration among retail customers of different income levels and businesses of different sizes.
- The Bank exhibits a good record of serving the credit needs within the most economically disadvantaged areas and low-income individuals.
- The Bank is a leader in making community development loans.
- The Bank makes extensive use of innovative and/or flexible lending practices in order to serve assessment area credit needs.
- The Bank, often in a leadership position, has an excellent level of CD (Community Development) investments and grants, particularly providing those not routinely provided by private investors.
- The Bank offers a delivery system accessible to essentially all portions of the assessment areas and provides a relatively high level of CD services.