Safety and Security

Banner Bank is committed to protecting the safety and security of employees, clients, and visitors to the Bank.

Third Party Solicitations

Solicitations by outside third parties are inappropriate in the workplace. Such solicitations are an intrusion on employees and clients and may present a risk to employee safety or to the security of employer or employee property.

Persons not employed by Banner Bank may not solicit, survey, petition, or distribute literature on Bank premises at any time. This includes persons soliciting for charities, salespersons, questionnaire surveyors, labor union organizers, or any other solicitor or distributor. Exceptions to this rule may be made in special circumstances where the Bank determines that a third party’s solicitation would serve the best interests of the organization and our employees, and should be approved in advance of any visit to a Banner Bank location.


Employee safety depends on the safety consciousness of everyone in the workplace. Employees are expected to observe the special safety rules applicable in each work area and follow, at all times, general rules of safety.
Access to Bank premises is limited to persons who have a legitimate reason to visit. Unauthorized persons may present a risk to employees, clients, or legitimate visitors. If an employee notices an unauthorized person or witnesses conduct that is suspicious, they are to report it immediately to the published Employee Critical Incident number. If they believe there is a threat to personal safety involved, the police are also to be summoned immediately.

Accidents and Accident Reports

If an employee is injured or suspects they have been injured on the job, or an employee is involved in an accident, the employee must notify their supervisor immediately. As soon as practical, but in no case later than 24 hours following an injury or accident, or suspected injury or accident, an employee must complete an accident report form describing the circumstances surrounding the incident.


A copy of the Bank’s fire and disaster evacuation plan is posted for employees’ reference at each Bank location. Employees are responsible to be familiar with this plan. Employees in need of additional assistance to safely evacuate are instructed to discuss their needs with Human Resources so that accommodations can be considered.