Environmental, Social and Governance

Environmental, Social & Governance Highlights

Doing the right thing has long been the guiding principle of all we do. ESG represents new ways of categorizing the good efforts our colleagues undertake every day to serve our clients, investors and communities.  We believe that operating a sustainable business is a multi-faceted undertaking. We recognize that incorporating sustainable practices into our strategy and operations is essential and we strive to create positive change in the communities we serve, through our day-to-day business activities, longer-term strategic initiatives and community engagement.

Executive Message

For more than 130 years, our company has listened to the needs of our clients and communities to help them achieve their financial goals. Over that time the world has changed dramatically and the needs of families and businesses have evolved. What has remained the same is the support, compassion, and expertise they can expect from us. Our environmental, social and governance (ESG) actions are helping us stay deeply connected and responsive to the needs of all our stakeholders.

In 2023, we continued to mature our approach to ESG. Although going above and beyond to support our communities has always been part of what we do at Banner, in the last few years we’ve made significant strides in formalizing how we communicate our impact. With this year’s report, we continue that momentum, share our progress, and recognize accomplishments.

Doing the right thing is always our starting point when considering the way our business operates. It sounds simple, but making sure we act in an honest, respectful and ethical manner requires a solid foundation of policies and governance as well as the commitment and integrity of our colleagues. This report shows the many ways we are turning our guiding principle into meaningful action.

2023 ESG Highlights

100% Pay Equity for employees of all genders and races

Areas of Focus


We are striving to find more sustainable ways of working, from the projects we finance to the way we operate across our footprint. We continue to measure our emissions and utility consumption to better understand our environmental impact and opportunities to reduce it.

TCFD Report >

2023 Limited Assurance Statement >

Social Responsibility
The community spirit on which Banner was founded in 1890 as a small thrift is as strong as ever. While we’ve grown to serve four states with more than $15.67 billion in assets at 2023 year-end, we remain deeply connected and responsive to the people we serve.

For over 130 years, people have trusted Banner Bank to behave with the utmost integrity to protect their interests, money and privacy. Behind our company’s guiding principle, ‘do the right thing,’ is a rigorous governance structure that upholds our high standards and adapts to new and emerging risks.

Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) >